I am so happy to
say that I am over it
I am over him and
his stupid games
I shall not go
back to him
He does not
deserve it, and I
I deserve better,
I deserve to be treated good
It’s a nice
feeling to finally be able to tell myself that I won’t go back to him
And I really hope
it won’t change, that I wont change my mind again
Because I know it
is stupid
I know I would be
a goddamn fool to go back to him
But I cannot
ignore the little voice in my head telling me that I easily could go back
Go back to being
hopelessly in love with a jerk, an idiot.
A player that is
what he is
I know that for
sure and the stupid ting is that deep down I knew it from the start
I should start
listening more to my brain
But then again, I
don’t regret what was between us
Actually I Ioved it
And as cheesy as
it sounds, you only live once so why not live my life and have fun?
But I should not
go back
Cause he’s an asshole,
a freaking man whore
And I can find
I do not need him
to be happy
and yes, he did
make me happy, but he also made my cry
- CS